COVID-19 – Pointing to Local, State, and National Funding
Grant Research
A place to start your funding search.
Below are places to start the most efficient search for related COVID-19 funding opportunities. Professionals [according to the web links] will add to the lists daily. Because states will release additional funds and nonprofits will continue to announce new opportunities.
The funding opportunities will grow.
A fellowship exists between grant professionals. We watch out for each other and our employers/clients. And especially so during difficult times. For instance, fellow San Francisco grant professionals will continue to gather (virtually). We will discuss trends and lend valued insight surrounding COVID-19 funding. I will add here and re-post as helpful details emerge.
Stay strong.
Meanwhile, stay strong in your grant and fundraising pursuits. I began my grant writing journey in the heart of the 2008-2009 recession. And remember? We called it “the new normal”. So I know for a fact we will come out the other side of these times. As a result, we will reflect on the many lessons we learned, personally and professionally.
My clients fall into two distinct categories. Many are those serving on the front lines. So they seek immediate funding. Secondly, there are those using the work margin to regroup. They are researching and grouping for the next chapter. Because, as many cancel events and face-to-face meetings, electronic appeals and submittals are increasing out of necessity.
Keep up the great work. To find:
Small Living Expense Grants for Artists: here
California Small Businesses and Nonprofits – Loans: here
Council on Foundations: here
New York Community Trust: $75 Million Relief Fund for New York City Organizations: here
One to watch: National Council of Nonprofits Appeal to the United States Congress in support of the vulnerable through charity: here
Candid– Nonprofit Grant making by National Regions and Cities (The list is growing daily. Many are community foundations.) here
Instumentl – Nonprofit Grant making by National Regions and Cities (The list is growing daily. Many are community foundations.) here
Grant Station – Nonprofit Grant making by National Regions and Cities (The list is growing daily. Many are community foundations.) here
An all-inclusive guide for financial resources to small business, students, and individuals: here.
Small Business Administration Loans (includes private nonprofits): here and here
Small Business Administration Payroll Protection Program: here
San Francisco Small Business Resiliency Fund: here
Rhonda Poppen is an independent grant consultant and certified grant writer. She works from San Francisco alongside Buddy, Labrador/Great Dane and office mate. Rhonda is a self-proclaimed pen, paper and word nerd who pours her heart into writing winning grant proposals.
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